Just a few simple rules to the fundraiser...
1. The Brakes for Breasts Logo is a trademarked item and may only be used in
conjunction with the Brakes for Breasts Fundraiser. No other logos are to be
associated with your Brakes for Breasts fundraiser. Permission to use the Brakes
for Breasts logo is limited to this year’s fundraiser only. Use of the pink ribbon is
2. 100% of the funds raised support Dr. Tuohy’s research at the Cleveland Clinic for the
Breast Cancer Vaccine.
3. Your shop information will be included in the Brakes for Breasts website.
www.brakesforbreasts.com and the App for Androids and iPhones which will be
fantastic for folks searching in your area!
4. Brakes for Breasts is specially designed for the independent auto repair shop, and
Laura Frank and Leigh Anne Best (founders) reserve the right to approve or deny
participation in Brakes for Breasts to maintain the integrity of the fundraiser.
5. At the end of the fundraiser make your donations electronically via the Brakes for
Breast giving page. www.giving.ccf.org/BrakesForBreasts.com. This page is a
Cleveland Clinic site and will ensure all donations go directly to research for the
Breast Cancer Vaccine.
6. All donations received after December 31 may be credited to the following year.
Failure to donate may make you ineligible to participate in any or all upcoming
fundraisers. Please email [email protected] with any donation
questions or challenges. There is no minimum or maximum, we are just happy to
have you participate!
Yes, Count us in! We understand and agree to the rules of the fundraiser!